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BAhamas Triathlon Retreat

Due to Hurricane Dorian our Retreat is cancelled until further notice.
Hopefully, our beloved Bahamas and it's people recover soon!
Please click to visit our Ultimate Tri Camp Webpage for details about our upcoming training camp in Clermont, Florida!

Triathlon Training with a View...

Escape to the Bahamas to experience a triathlon transformation. Create a lifestyle and performance to brag about.

This epic triathlon training retreat is the perfect excuse to focus on your training without the distractions of daily to-do's while surrounded by like-minded triathletes who understand your goals. Learn the tips and tricks of successful triathletes transforming their minds, bodies and training to achieve the results of their dreams.


October 29th to Nov 2nd, 2019
Ship ports back in Palm Beach the morning of Nov 3rd.




Close your eyes and just imagine the warm breeze off the ocean and taste the salt as you dive into the gin clear waters of the Bahama Islands. Learn practice and perfect cutting edge training and racing techniques. 

Then, recover beach side with a massage, yoga and stretching while hanging out with friends enjoying the island vibe.


Doesn't get much better than this.

Could this retreat be for you?

I have just the thing for you.

NOTHING beats 5 days/6 nights away from the daily grind to get some epic, focused, quality training.


Our Bahamas Triathlon Retreat is the absolute best thing you can do to improve your fitness fast, especially, if you are crunched for time, and who isn’t?

Here's how it works and why you should be there:


1. Double your Fitness in less time

Devoting time to exclusively swim, bike, run, recover and learn how to train smarter is an easy way to boost your fitness in less time. Our Bahamas Triathlon Retreat includes 2 quality workouts with skills training a day (at your fitness level) without adding the extra stress of daily life to get you stronger and faster without burning out. That could be up to 2 weeks of training in only a few days, and the volume alone will maximize your training stimulus. See below on how these intense training days can set you up for an amazing year of personal records.



2. Learn to Balance Training with Recovery

At camp we eliminate the pressures of daily life and focus on training along with the the best recovery methods to absorb that training stress. We have Kihara stretching after every training session, unlimited access to Marc Pro, Compression Recovery Boots, ice baths, yoga, meditation, essential oils, options for massage and much more available on a daily basis along with healthy nutrition to help your body recover quickly.



3. Post Camp Training Strategy

Camp is a great way to set up goals and mindset as well as see what training strategies work for you and what doesn’t to take back into real life training situations. If you’ve never done video analysis, field testing, had daily compression, meditation and post training recovery massages and ice baths, this camp is a great way to experiment with these training methods and recovery modalities to see how they work for you.



4. Give and Take

Taking 5 days away from family and work is a big deal and needs to be planned for. This is a special occasion and needs to be feasible if it’s going to work into your life/training balance. Talk to your family and job about the commitment and time away and then plan to give back to them in another way. It's important for your relationships and work/life balance.



5. Pace Yourself

Five days of focused training can be a lot on your body and mind; this is why we focus so much on the recovery tools and recommend these modalities for everyone.  It’s important to have a decent base of fitness before you arrive.  We will provide a one month training plan before you join us to ensure you have the best experience.

Also, we strongly recommend three days of easy training both pre and post training retreat.  Sometimes 5-7 days recovery is required to come back feeling strong.



6. The RESULTS are Astounding

Every year I am blown away with the athlete successes that are achieved after attending camp. All the specific triathlon skills learned and practiced, along with video analysis and of course a big bump in training fitness guarantees you will be stronger than ever. The PR’s will start rolling in. 



Camp Swim EG.JPG

read testimonials below...

Christina Avila

Age 42, Gold Program, beginner
Each sprint triathlon I did this year showed improvement in the swim, bike, run, and transition. My swim improved by almost two minutes from the first trilogy to the fourth, and my run by six minutes. I recently PR’d my 5k running time, and completed my first international distance triathlon.


A beginner triathlete coming into camp.  Since we have different level training groups she was able to train with less volume but still get the same skill development to help improve her performance in her swim bike and run.  She has gone on to PR in all aspects of her triathlon since attending Ultimate Tri Camp.

Matt Petrie


After attending Ultimate Tri Camp, I experienced consistent improvements.  It's amazing what you can do when you have a great coach, a great training plan and focus on executing.


He crushed it taking 30+ minutes off his 70.3 for a PR of 5:19.  Then an hour off his Ironman time with a PR of 11:28 and shaved 32 seconds off his 5k, for another PR of 18:28.


Not sure if this type of triathlon retreat is right for you?

Then, book a call to ask me any questions about the Bahamas Triathlon Retreat!


Click the button below and book your call today!

Get in Touch

Full Circle Coaching
Tel: 786-586-6057

Be on the lookout for our reply and other
awesome emails!

There's never been a better time to attend our Bahamas Triathlon & Wellness Retreat, nor a better location!
Look at these amazing retreat benefits:
  • Epic swims in crystal clear waters of the Bahamas

  • Challenging cycling

  • Run performance training

  • Field testing to set up training zones for your Garmin and Training Peaks

  • Daily yoga, stretching and recovery techniques

What's NEW
  • Cruise to and from the Bahamas is included

  • 3 nights at the exclusive Lucaya resort hotel is included

  • The  Conch Man Sprint Triathlon on Saturday Nov 2nd is included

6 DAYS/5 NIGHTS on Board one of Paradise Bahamas Cruise Ships and The Lucayan Lighthouse Point.

Here's what is included:

•All meals included
•Structured swim, bike and run workouts
•Vehicle sag with nutrition/hydration for all rides
•Training and racing advice for optimal performance
•Mental strategies to help you push beyond your limits
•Nutritional guidelines to best fuel your racing and training
•Functional strength for injury prevention
•Technique analysis to start your season with perfect form
•Transition skills & drills
•Bike maintenance tricks & tips
•Open water swim tactics•Advice on planning & periodizing your race schedule
•No luggage or bike fees once on-board!
•Bring your bike in your room! Or in our storage on-board!
•Free Transportation from ship to hotel

Price is based per person *Double or *Single occupancy.

Ready to book Your room

Make your selection from the options below:


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